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Distilled water in a sentence

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Sentence count:56Posted:2018-06-11Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: bottled watertroubled watersdistillerdistilleryfish in troubled watersdistillateaerated watercarbonated waterMeaning: n. water that has been purified by distillation. 
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(1) Sodium nitrite is dissolved in distilled water and diluted to volume.
(2) Method: Funnel the distilled water and cider vinegar into a dark glass bottle, add the essences and shake well.
(3) Only distilled water, rain water, or water from a clean aquarium should be used.
(4) Pure distilled water is the origin of life.
(5) The lab uses distilled water for experiments.
(6) The battery's quite low, and needs some distilled water.
(7) Remember: Purified water is not distilled water!
(8) Four hundred liters of distilled water is enough.
(9) The process, which uses distilled water to clean the statue, comes ahead of the statue's 500th anniversary.
(10) All laboratory utensils be rinsed with distilled water to remove all traces of soap or detergent.
(11) The pH scale runs from 0 to 14; distilled water has a pH of about 7 and is considered neutral, and acidity increases by 10 times with each decrease in a whole pH number.
(12) Conclusion Intradermal injection of distilled water is a safe, simple and effective method of analgesia, without any side effects for both mothers and newborns.
(13) Determination of dissolved oxygen in distilled water, tap water, pond water and wastewater were satisfied by iodimetry.
(14) Evaporate the distilled water as you as did the tap water.
(15) Transfer the sections to the Petri dish with distilled water to remove the excess of stain.
(16) Medicine or distilled water to drop inside small volume to atomise glass inside and tube to join to the machine above.
(17) In order to improve the marine storage battery's distilled water cooling system, a new automatic control unit based on single-chip computer is developed.
(18) Distilled water is chemically pure and is always used for medicinal purposes.
(19) B1 and B2: carbon-free, no foliation, saturated with electrolyte and distilled water respectively.
(20) Sulfanilic acid is dissolved in concentrated hydrochloric acid and diluted to volume with distilled water.
(21) When using warm seawater vapour,( the plant can also produce fresh distilled water when it is condensed back into a liquid.
(22) In literature, vulgarity is preferable to nullity, just as grocer's port is preferable to distilled water.
(23) This paper reports the rate of germination of seeds of Spartina anglica being more rapid in distilled water than in sea water at room temperature of dry storage or at low temperature of moist storage.
(24) Traditional oxygen treatment is that oxygen is taken by patients through humidification fluid with distilled water.
(25) During cleaning, you need to clean them separately with the water and the distilled water.
(26) You can rinse the glassware with the proper solvent, then finish up with a couple of rinses with distilled water, followed by final rinses with deionized water.
(27) In addition, the battery electrolyte liquid surface plate must be higher than 10-15 millimeter, should add distilled water shortage in time.
(28) So confecting developering and developering is preferable to use diluted deionized water or distilled water.
(29) The cells of a car battery need to be topped up with distilled water.
(30) And deal with this polymer film and the core loading with distilled water, oilfield water, oil and hexadecane contact angles were measured.
More similar words: bottled watertroubled watersdistillerdistilleryfish in troubled watersdistillateaerated watercarbonated waterStill waters run deepdistilldistillationtilledbe filled withskilled workerunskilled workerpastillebastillecold waterhold waterhard waterfractional distillationdistilheadwaterstread waterfloodwaterground watergroundwaterBlood is thicker than waterpour cold water onthrow cold water on
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